Saturday, February 2, 2008

Leysin world cup 2008

One day after returning form the X games I was in Leysin (Switzerland) for the next round of the world cup.

I had trouble in the heats with an Austrian girl
careering into me. So I finished in 14th, which is not very good compared to my previous results in this season’s world cups but I still have a world ranking of 7th.

I am now in France training for just over a week before flying out to Korea for the next world cup. I have never been to Korea before so I am very excited about that and also about getting a chance to beat the Austrian girl who took me out in Leysin!


Team Darfur said...

Dear Zoe,

I am writing to you about a nonprofit I co-founded called Team Darfur in hopes that you'd take a second to learn about our campaign and consider joining.

Team Darfur is an international coalition of over 200 Olympic and professional athletes from over 40 countries committed to raising awareness for and brining an end to the humanitarian crisis in Darfur, Sudan. Team Darfur is a nonprofit for athletes, run by two former athletes, Joey Cheek and myself. Cheek won gold at the 2006 Olympics in speed skating and I played water polo at UCLA through 2006 (no Olympic medals for me, but I'll live with a NCAA title…)

I am hoping you'd be interested in taking a look at our campaign and potentially signing our charter at, as an elite athlete yourself. If you choose to sign, we will ship you a welcome package with our Team Darfur gear and some other great swag.

We are launching many exciting campaigns in the next 7 months and it would be an honor to include you in it. Please feel free to ask me any questions and thank you for your time.

Best of Luck,

Paul said...

Hi Zoe,

Just a quick note to say it was nice meeting you, Jimbo and your overworked physiotherapist in Chatel on Friday night, and thanks for getting me out of having to dance !

Good luck for the rest of the season, I'll be watching your progress, and as for Austrian girls...don't get mad, get even...then get ahead !

Have a good one,
